Keys in My Pocket

Marsha, will you tell me what you think about this dream?  Reid
I am in the sanctuary, it is a full congregation. My wife has been called down front.  I am sitting on the far left hand side in the back.  She is down on the right in the front with a group of people. Our Pastor is talking to them.  All of a sudden someone comes running down the aisle holding over his head a set of keys. He says, “Does anybody know whose keys these are?  I found them in the parking lot.”  My wife looks at them and says, “They are my husband’s keys, those are Reid’s keys!”  And then there is a question.  “Reid, where are you?”  I stand up somewhat embarrassed and I wave my hand – I’m up here.

Then, the praise and worship music begins. It is loud and there is a very white light behind the worship team. There is a young lady standing next to me and she is about 15-16. She says something to me and is obviously excited about the praise and worship music and I ask her to repeat what she said.  I still can’t understand her and I ask her embarrassed, “Please, what did you say I didn’t get it.” Then there is an invitation right after I ask her what she said. Everyone stands up.  I stand up as well.  The young lady says, “Please excuse me I want to go down front.”  I step out and I feel compelled to go with her down to the front.  When I get down to the front I’m standing in the center behind some people.  They are all waving their raised hands to the worship music. There is a huge white light behind the worship team and I’m there just swaying to the music.  All of a sudden I get a sense that the keys are back in my pocket although I don’t remember them being brought to me.  I don’t remember them being delivered but they are back in my pocket.
Okay Reid, let’s look at some of the symbolic phrases here and their possible meanings:
“I am in the sanctuary, it is a full congregation” = I am in the presence of God’s church
“Someone comes running down the aisle holding over his head a set of keys” = through individuals in the church
My wife says, “They are my husband’s keys..” = through my wife’s assistance and recognition
“I stand up somewhat embarrassed” = in spite of my embarrassment and overcoming my embarrassment
“The praise and worship music begins” = with a backdrop of praise and worship
“there is  a very white light” = see the light; enlightened
“there is an invitation..” “I step out and feel compelled to go with her down to the front.”  = taking  cues from others and responding to an invitation
Keys =  knowledge (Mt 16:19); authority to open (Rev 1:18); open/close choices and doors (Mt 16:19, Rev 3:7-8, 20:1); tools to do something (Function of a key)
“I get a sense that the keys are back” = obtained knowledge and authority to lock or open doors and tools to go forth
“in my pocket” = in your possession to be pulled out and used when you desire
Reid.  Let’s put this together and see what we get:
Through God’s church and individuals in the church and through your wife’s assistance and recognition and in spite and overcoming my embarrassment at the attention, with a backdrop of praise and worship you see the “light” and taking your cues from others you respond to the invitation.  From this you obtain knowledge and authority to lock or open doors and you obtain tools to go forth.  These tools and authority are tucked away in your possession to be pulled out and used when you desire. 
To paraphrase:
During a time of praise and worship, through God’s church and His people you are enlightened.  You receive and are able to keep knowledge, tools, and authority to lock or open doors. 
Reid’s response:
This all makes perfect sense to me.  This dream stayed with me in detail and I knew it was important.  I have been going through a time of hearing from God at a spiritual retreat, Grace Adventure, where I have been given all kinds of tools and a deep understanding of God’s grace and love. My wife and others have been there for me.

Going up Elevator into the Sky


Hi Marsha,


Can you help me with the following dream? 


I dreamed I was in an elevator with a very fat man.  I was a bit afraid because the elevator shot up far into the skies.  Finally, we landed like a helicopter on the roof of a hospital.  As we got out, we saw a group of medical personnel sitting around a table on the roof of the hospital, either meeting and having lunch or something like that.  They didn’t seem too excited at our arrival.  We got off and entered the hospital.






Interesting that we have another elevator dream to look at.  Let’s ask ourselves who is this dream about? 


The answer is Genevieve, or the dreamer.




Let’s look at the symbols:


Elevator: rising quickly (characteristic of elevator)


Very fat man: something “heavy in the flesh” (Lev 8:16, Jdg 3:17, 1Sam 2:5, Job 15;22-27, Ps 74:3-4)


Skies: high spiritual things (Mt 11:23, Lk 10:15)


Helicopter: versatile, able to move different directions quickly (characteristic of helicopters)


Top of roof: revealed  (Mt 10:27)


Hospital: place of healing; possibly church (Ezk 34)


Group of medical personnel:  healing leaders; possibly church leaders and authority (Is 61:1, Jer 82)


Sitting around a table: in agreement with each other (Mt 8:11, 9:11)




Substituting the symbolism into the dream the interpretation might be:


Genevieve is rising quickly in things of the spirit, but she has something heavy in the flesh with her.  Her ministry is high in the spirit and versatile and able to move different directions quickly.  It is being revealed.  She is in a position to have revealed to her things that church leaders are in agreement about.  These same church leaders may not be too excited about Genevieve’s ministry.  She enters into a place of healing.





Someone Pushing Elevator Buttons


I have read your book.  I like it very much.  Can you interpret this dream that I had last night?  F.E.




The elevator door opens at the sixth floor.  A person pushes a button and says, “Down we go!”  Everyone on the elevator yells, “No! No!  We are going to the eighth floor!”  The person pushes a button again and the elevator jerks.  I sit down on the floor because I have lost my balance.  A lady near me does the same thing.  The person pushes the number eight button and we go to the eighth floor.  Everyone leaves the elevator and I am the last to go through the elevator door.  I am not sure which way to go.



Hi!  Let’s look at your dream. 

Who is the Focus?   In other words, who or what is the main thing or purpose the dream is centered around?


  • I believe the Focus is the elevator and its buttons.  And what can the elevator and its buttons be symbolic of? 
    • An elevator is often symbolic for 1) way of lifting up out of a situation or going down into a situation; or 2) choices made.
    • Pushing the buttons may be a “play-on-words:”  someone is “pushing your buttons” or causing you to react


Okay, what’s the Sub-focus?  


  • I believe the Sub-focus is the person who is “pushing the buttons.”  This may be symbolic for someone who is doing things to cause you, and others in the same situation you are in, to react.
  • Another Sub-focus is you and others who are reacting and upset.


So putting just the Focus and Sub-focus together, this dream may be saying that you are in a place (along with others) where someone is “pushing your buttons” or causing you grief or stress. 


Now, let’s look at the details of the dream:


  • 6th floor – place of man: weakness of man (Gen 2:2-3, 2:7, Rev 13:18, Lev 25:3)
  • 8th floor – place of new beginnings and saved (Gen 17:12, 1Pet 3:20);
  • Lost my balance – ability to keep life “balanced” is gone
  • Door – choice (Gen 4:7, Mt 7:13, Rev 3:8, 3:20, 4:1).
  • Everyone leaves –  others choose to get out from under the control of the one who is causing the stress
  • You are last to leave – You seem to be under the stress longer than others around you.
  • Not sure which way to go – undergo a time of confusion about what your next action should be.


 Okay, now let’s put the details into the dream and see what we get:


This dream may be saying that you are in a place (along with others) where someone is causing you grief and stress.  This results in human weakness issues.  This particularly causes you to lose your ability to keep your life “balanced’.  You, and others affected are seeking salvation from this and a new beginning. You see others get out from the situation before you are able to do it.  Even when you finally get out of the situation, you will have a period of time where you will be confused about what your next action should be.


Interpretation is done. Now, just Marsha talking: 


Why did God give you this dream?  I believe He gave you this dream to let you know HE knows what you are dealing with or have dealt with.  I also believe it is a word of encouragement that you will eventually get out of whatever the situation is.  OR, if this is a dream about something you’ve already gone through, then it is a word of encouragement that you  may be in a place of confusion, but it’s okay.   The Lord is with you!

My Car Stolen with My Kids in it


So I had the worst dreams last night.  Then, I woke up and went to sleep again and had a slightly different version. 
 I was at a gas station and my car got stolen and the first time just my son was inside and it ended up being an ex-boyfriend who thought it was funny and he was trying to ask me out.  Anyway, I go back to sleep and dreamed I was out of town and at a gas station and someone stole my car again.  This time my son and also my daughter were in it.  It was horrible!!!!  I felt so helpless and scared. 
The first time I woke up and felt reassured it was just a dream,  but then I  went right back to it again.  Does this mean anything?
Who or what is the focus of the dream?  It is your car.   Without he car this dream would not have happened.  So what does the car represent?  A car may represent your life, your work, or your ministry.  
The Sub-focus in this dream is the theft. 
If a car is your life, then theft of the car may be symbolic for someone else taking over your life.  Note: the car is not destroyed…so I don’t believe this is about something catastrophic happening to your life, instead, I believe it is speaking of your life being taken control of by others.
So let’s look at the details of the dream:
  • gas station- place where life, work gets refueling or perked up
  •  my son, my daughter –  your kids
  •  ex-boyfriend – an old “love” from the past …possibly something you loved in the past that is not good for you  (i.e.: smoking, etc. ) 
  •  thought it was funny – original intent is to be “pleasure”
  • trying to ask me out – trying to get back into your life
    Who is stealing your car (or trying to take control of your life)?  Is it really an old boyfriend?  I don’t think so.  I believe the metaphor of the old boyfriend is used to symbolize  something  in the past that you loved but wasn’t good for you.  I think this is confirmed by the second dream…there is no “old boyfriend” in the second dream. 
    I believe this dream says that while you are trying to perk up things, your life / work may be taken over by an old situation/or an old thing from the past that you used to love doing but isn’t really good for you.  This is intended to be fun and give pleasure, but it will result in taking over your life and affecting your children.
    Note:  Think about what is happening in your life.  Has there been something you’ve started doing or someone you’ve started hanging around again (not necessarily a boyfriend – possibly someone that has not been good for you in the past).  You may want to re-think it…or be on guard.  The Lord may be warning you to be careful not to let someone take over your life / work because not only will you be upset, but the children will be affected.
Nadia’s response after receiving the interpretation:
Wow! I definitely see how that can fit into what’s happening in my life.  Hmmmmm amazing!

Brain Filled and work in the clouds


July 9, 2014




This dream I had is really great and exciting to me, but, I am having trouble deciphering what the Lord is revealing to me through using my new job.  Do you have any thoughts?






      I was working at my place of work.  But, the setting was a place in the clouds.


My husband and I would show up late everyday for work. I would have to explain why.


     The seating was cushions lined up in a row for where we sat.  We were the lighting-design team.


     I feel guilty all of the time for being late.I would have to sit next to my boss and explain why. One time it was because my car tire was flat. My good work friend would remind me to check in with my boss.


      My good work friend asked me if we wanted to move in with her and her husband.


I was calculating the rent to see how much money we would save. But I knew it wouldn’t work.  I was honored she asked


      My place of work was going through a celebration time.It correlated with one of God’s appointed feasts, I’m not sure if it was Passover, Pentecost or what.  I was talking to my boss to show him I could help with grammar. He asked me a trick question.  He asked if it was correct to say 20 feet or 20’?  I knew the right answer was 20’.


     Then I saw the harvest field.


     Someone came in to bless my place of work.


     I was praying in a special box.  I felt the top of my head come off and my brain was filled with so much truth and knowledge.  It was put in by a special angel. And I knew that my place of work was about to explode in growth and I had the key pieces of knowledge to help. I was just so happy that my place of work’s celebration and God’s appointed feast time were aligned!




From Marsha to B:


Wow. I love these angel dreams!  Let’s break this down. 


  • Focus:  Who is this dream about?  It is about you in the workplace. 


  • Sub-focus:  What are the main issues in the dream?  I believe the Sub-focuses are: 1. Your concern for being late,  2. The blessing, truth, and knowledge that will be bestowed. 


So, just looking at the Focus and Sub-focus, this dream may be saying “regarding your work, you are concerned you are late getting started, but wonderful blessings, truth and knowledge will be bestowed upon you”.




Now, let’s look and see what detail the rest of the symbols add to it. 


  • Your workplace = work or ministry you are / or will be doing (Gen 5:29, Exo 3:20)
  • Setting was a place in the clouds = dealing with higher issues
  • Show up late = late getting started
  • I would have to explain why = feel need to justify or answer for the lateness
  • Boss = possibly God – the ultimate Boss (Eph 6:5-9)
  • My friend at work = Friends who are in the same arena as the work or ministry
  • Feast = “feeding” giving learning and knowledge to others (Mt 15:27, Lk 14:15, 2Pet 2:13)
  • God’s appointed = at the time of God’s choosing
  • I could help with grammar =  correct method of relaying information to others /language communication issues
  • 20 = redemption (Jdg 15:20, 16:31); acceptance by the Lord (Gen 6:3, 31:38)
  • Feet = direction or path chosen (Ps 35:15, 40:2, Heb 12:13)
  • Harvest = bringing others to Christ (Mt 9:37-38, Lk 10:2)
  • Field = world / area of life (Dt 20:19, 2Kgs 19:26, Ps 23:2)


Now, let’s add the detail symbols into the dream and see how much more falls out about the dream.




Regarding work/a ministry that you are doing correlating to higher issues (work in the clouds), you are concerned, and feel a need to justify to God (your boss), why you are late getting started. You are assigned to work to bring understanding (light design) to others.  Friends in this same work arena are supporting you and even offering you to join them, but it is in a direction that you know is not right for you.  However, you feel honored that they offered.




At God’s appointed time, you will be helping with a correct method of relaying information to others.  This will have something to do with people choosing a path of redemption/acceptance by the Lord. Your ministry/work will be blessed.  You are given a vision of the people who are ripe to be brought to Christ (the harvest field).  An angel of the Lord will remove old coverings over you and fill you with new truth and knowledge.   Your ministry will go forth hugely (explode) and will be done in God’s perfectly aligned timing.




Personal note from Marsha to B: 


I believe this dream is about your ministry not about your secular work.  Some clues are the place in the clouds; and the reference to God, and the angel. 


This is a wonderful dream of your own personal ministry that will be up and running soon.

Granddaughter Going to school for Play




I had the following dream:


I was taking my granddaughter to a school for a playtime.  We walked into the building and got her registered.  We were going to the room where we were supposed to go. 


She said, “Nana, I need to go to the bathroom.”  Then she went into a door and I realized it was the Men’s room.  I waited for her and asked a man to go in and yell her name and have her come out to me. 


The man said, “Why?”  That’s a door to the outside play area. 


I went outside and called her to come and she wouldn’t come.








Who is the focus of the dream?  It is your granddaughter.   Without her this dream would not be happening.  So is the granddaughter really herself, or is she symbolic of someone else…like one of your other granddaughters?   Let’s keep this open and decide at the end.


There are two Sub-focuses in this dream.  The first is you and the second is the school.


Two specific symbols jump out at us.


  • School = a place of learning
    • School, class room = area of learning or training (2Tim 2:15, 3:7, Heb 5:12, 6:1).
    • School, elementary = place where learning elementary things (Heb 5:12-6:2).
  • Play = life
    • Sports game = actions of life (Gen 39:17, Prov 10:22);
    • competitions / relationships (2Tim 2:5).
  • Bathroom = a place of getting rid of toxins in life


    • getting rid of toxic or unclean things (Dt 22:12-14m 2Kgs 18:27);
    • place of cleansing (func, Num 8:7, 19:9, Heb 10:22);
    • place to get rid of wastes [confession and repentence] (2Kgs 10:27);
    • deliverance issues
    • Bathroom, going into the wrong one = submission issue


So what’s going on here?


I believe the dream says you are trying to educate, or bring your granddaughter to a place where she can live healthily.  In the process what you perceive as a wrong way for her to get rid of toxic things in her life is not that at all. 




After Sheila heard this, she said, “This is about my actual granddaughter.  She is 3 years old and she’s been making absolutely horrible faces.  She thinks it’s funny.  She rolls her eyes back until you can only see the whites of her eyes.  It’s so demonic looking I’ve been on her about it and been worried.  This is God telling me it’s okay.


I responded to Sheila, “The Lord is speaking into you that your granddaughter is really just playing around.  It’s not a reaction to getting rid of anything that may be bad in her life.  I believe the Lord is saying “don’t worry…it’s okay!”


Isn’t GOD Funny!

Bowel Movement on the Bed


I had the following dream:
I was having a bowel movement in the bedroom on the bed.  I was next to a window.  While this is happening I see out the window three guys coming.  I know they are thieves or bad guys.  I am trying to hurry up and finish the bowel movement.  I then crouch beside the bed so they don’t see me.  They pass by and don’t see me.
What does this mean?
Cheryl B.

Hi Cheryl,
I wanted to display this dream because it has some interesting symbols in it.  Who is the focus of the dream?  It is You.   This dream is all about what is happening to you and around you.

The Sub-focuses of the dream are two-fold.  The first is the bowel movement!  Fun stuff.  We’ll look at that in a second under the symbol meanings.  The second Sub-focus is the 3 guys.

Okay, so let’s look at these fun symbols.
  • Bowel movement (or this might be called excrement) =
    • old garbage in life that needs to be disposed of (Gen 2:16-17, Mt 15:17);
    •  or this could mean = getting rid of unclean things (Dt 22:12-14m 2Kgs 18:27).
  • Bedroom =
    • a private place (1Sam 19:13, 2Sam 13:10);
    • a place of rest (Gen 39:7-12, 49:4); or
    • in a place of intimacy (Gen 49:33, Exo 8:3, Dt 22:30). 
  • Window =
    • Revelation / seeing beyond (Gen 7:11, 8:2, 2Kgs 7:2, Prov 7:6-23);
    • Allows entry where something can get in or out the wrong way (Gen 8:6, 2Cor 11:33). 

  • 3 guys that are bad =
    • Could be several things but look at it might represent 3 people or issues not of the Lord Heb 13:2).

So let’s put this together:  This dream might be saying you are in a private place of rest getting rid of wasteful things and old garbage in your life.  While you are at this, through a revelation (gift of understanding and seeing from God) you are made aware of 3 issues or people that you know will be bad for you.  You take steps to avoid these issues/people and do it. 

Cheryl, I would say that this dream is about:  “where you are and what you are doing”.  God is showing you that you are in a good place and getting rid of things you need to.  It is also may be saying you “dodged a bullet”…so to speak.  Though some action of your own in “stepping back and away you have avoided some problems.    


God is good!

Sparrows in a Building

Welcome to my blogs.

Here is a dream Mike W. gave me.  In order to help you learn a little about how to interpret a dream, I will post a dream regularly, give you a breakdown of possible symbols and their meanings, and give you an interpretation of the dream.  Only the dreamer knows for sure if the interpretation is right on.

Mike’s dream:  Sparrows in a Building

A few other people and I were trying to help sparrows that were in a building get outside.  We were coordinating opening the doors.  There were two sets of doors, inner and outer.  And we were shooing the sparrows along towards freedom.  Some got out.  Some took more effort to get out.  One was weak and needed water and food before flying away.

Hi, Mike, let’s look at the symbols in the dream:

Sparrow = God’s care and provision to those who feel unworthy (Mt 10:29-31)
Door = choices / opportunities (Gen 4:7, Mt 7:13)
2 = discernment (Exo 2:12-14, Mt 18:19)
2 = division (Gen 1:6-8, Mt 6:26)
inner = internal
outer = external
water = Word of God (Neh 9:15, Ps 73:10, Is 55:1, John 4:10-15)
food = teachings, things learned [being ingested] (Neh 9:15, Prov 18:20)

Now, let’s look at the focus:  Who is the dream about?   It looks like this is about You, and others.
What is the sub-focus, what is happening?  The sparrows!  You and others are trying to help the sparrows.

If a sparrow is a person who is in need of God’s care and provision and who feels unworthy (see our symbol) then this dream is saying you and others are helping people who are in need and are “trapped” in life (in the building).  You are helping them find “freedom” especially as it relates to things needing discernment (2) or which cause division (2) and with their choices or opportunities (doors), both inner choices (inner doors) and external choices (outer doors) that they need to deal with.   Some people are receiving your help easily but others take more effort to receive it.  One person in particular is especially weak and needs extra help.

I would say this dream speaks of a ministry or work you are doing to help others!  So why would God give you this dream, Mike?  Why would he tell you something you already know?
Possibly it is to let you know that HE knows what you are doing and what you are up against.  He may also be letting you know that you will have varied responses from those you are helping, (so don’t feel it’s a reflection on you.  He is all about what you are doing!