Tulips and the Holy Spirit




I dreamed these a few months ago.  What do they mean?




First Dream:
Its night time and I am outside.  There is a black fence around waist high.  A man jumps over it to be with me.  We lay down and look up at the sky.  We have our heads on the curb of the sidewalk and our bodies on the asphalt.  He has one hand under his head and his right arm around me.  I have my head on his chest.  He is wearing a blue sweatshirt and I can’t see his face, but he is brown (dark-skinned).


Second Dream:


I had tulips in a vase.  I took them out of the water and they began to die.  I put them back in the water and they lived. 


 Dear F.F.

Let’s look at the first dream:

Its night time and I am outside.  There is a black fence around waist high.  A man jumps over it to be with me.  We lay down and look up at the sky.  We have our heads on the curb of the sidewalk and our bodies on the asphalt.  He has one hand under his head and his right arm around me.  I have my head on his chest.  He is wearing a blue sweatshirt and I can’t see his face, but he is brown (dark-skinned).


Its symbols are great. 


Night time –  a time of being unable to “see” (understand things) clearly


I am outside – you feel you are “outside” of things


Black fence around waist high –  obstacles around you of wasteful issues


Man can’t see his face –  Holy Spirit


Wearing blue sweatshirt –  covering (shirt) of Holy Spirit’s works (sweat) is revelation (blue)


We lay down –  You rest in Him


And look at the sky –  Look at things spiritually


Head on curb and body on asphalt –  while body is on everyday going forward, your head is on your “side” walk i.e. your spiritual walk or ministry on the side.


He had arm around you –  The Holy Spirit has His arm around you.


I believe this is saying this is a time of being unable to “see” (understand) clearly and you are feeling you are not on the “inside track” but outside of things.  And there are barriers all around you.  But the Holy Spirit who is covered in revelation is with you and has his arms around you.


Now, looking at the second dream:


I had tulips in a vase.  I took them out of the water and they began to die.  I put them back in the water and they lived. 


Its symbols are also good.  Keep in mind a flower is often people whose lives are fleeting / will pass away (Mt 6:28-30, Jam 1:10)


 Tulips – a person who is doing speaking (two lips)


Vase – a vessel or vehicle to receive water


Water – Word of God (Nehemiah 9:15, Psalms 73:10, Isaiah 55:1, John 4:10-15)


Die – spiritual change / spiritual death (Leviticus 22:9, 1Samuel 2:6, Psalms 49:10, 2 Timothy 2:11)


I believe this is saying people  (flowers) who are speaking out (tulip – two lips – speaking) that are in a vehicle to receive the water (flow and Word of God) are alive.  When they are out of the Word of God they begin to lose their no spiritual life (die).  If they go back to the Word of God, they are alive in the spirit again.  You (as the dreamer) have a part in bringing people back to the Word of God.


 Both of these dreams are wonderful and speak of your relationship with the Holy Spirit and your calling to help others.
Marsha Trimble Dunstan







Two Archs intersecting


Dear Ms. Dunstan,


A friend gave me your email when I started to talk to her about a dream I had last night. I dream a lot but usually don’t pay attention or remember much detail about them. Here is my dream:


I was standing outside and I was looking at the sky. It was a peculiar color like a pastel pink. I saw an arch like the St. Louis arch and another one on top of it. They were the same size but the highest point of each one was intersecting. (like if you were looking down at the arches from above the highest points intersect looking like a curved x) I hope this makes sense and I hope you can help me understand this. Thank you.






Hi A.B.


The symbols in your dream may be as follows:


  • Looking at the sky – looking at things high in the spirit
  • Pastel pink – childlike faith
  • Arch – Main issue, principal thing i.e. archangel; is curved therefore is not straight clean issue; supports weight (a burden) over a span (of time)
  • Highest point of each one intersecting – one thing is at the apex of both issues 




Putting these symbols together, this might mean:


 While looking into things high in the spirit in childlike faith, you see:  one thing is at the apex of two main large burdens.  These burdens (weights) are not clean straight issues (are curved) and they each need support over a span of time.


Or to paraphrase the interpretation:


You are dealing with two large burdens (not easy things to deal with). Both of these are going to take (or have already taken) a long span of time to deal with.  They both have a common issue/person/thing that is at the center of both of these burdens.   You have a wonderful innocent faith and are seeking high Godly spiritual things.




A.B. I believe God is telling you to “stay the course”.  You have long heavy problems you are dealing with.  Most of our dreams are about “where we are –emotionally” and “what we are dealing with – life issues”.  I believe our wonderful Father God gave you this dream to tell you that your faith will get you through.  You apparently have a wonderful faith.  He is also telling you that He knows what you are going through. 


God’s blessing on you,





Going up Elevator into the Sky


Hi Marsha,


Can you help me with the following dream? 


I dreamed I was in an elevator with a very fat man.  I was a bit afraid because the elevator shot up far into the skies.  Finally, we landed like a helicopter on the roof of a hospital.  As we got out, we saw a group of medical personnel sitting around a table on the roof of the hospital, either meeting and having lunch or something like that.  They didn’t seem too excited at our arrival.  We got off and entered the hospital.






Interesting that we have another elevator dream to look at.  Let’s ask ourselves who is this dream about? 


The answer is Genevieve, or the dreamer.




Let’s look at the symbols:


Elevator: rising quickly (characteristic of elevator)


Very fat man: something “heavy in the flesh” (Lev 8:16, Jdg 3:17, 1Sam 2:5, Job 15;22-27, Ps 74:3-4)


Skies: high spiritual things (Mt 11:23, Lk 10:15)


Helicopter: versatile, able to move different directions quickly (characteristic of helicopters)


Top of roof: revealed  (Mt 10:27)


Hospital: place of healing; possibly church (Ezk 34)


Group of medical personnel:  healing leaders; possibly church leaders and authority (Is 61:1, Jer 82)


Sitting around a table: in agreement with each other (Mt 8:11, 9:11)




Substituting the symbolism into the dream the interpretation might be:


Genevieve is rising quickly in things of the spirit, but she has something heavy in the flesh with her.  Her ministry is high in the spirit and versatile and able to move different directions quickly.  It is being revealed.  She is in a position to have revealed to her things that church leaders are in agreement about.  These same church leaders may not be too excited about Genevieve’s ministry.  She enters into a place of healing.