Going up Elevator into the Sky


Hi Marsha,


Can you help me with the following dream? 


I dreamed I was in an elevator with a very fat man.  I was a bit afraid because the elevator shot up far into the skies.  Finally, we landed like a helicopter on the roof of a hospital.  As we got out, we saw a group of medical personnel sitting around a table on the roof of the hospital, either meeting and having lunch or something like that.  They didn’t seem too excited at our arrival.  We got off and entered the hospital.






Interesting that we have another elevator dream to look at.  Let’s ask ourselves who is this dream about? 


The answer is Genevieve, or the dreamer.




Let’s look at the symbols:


Elevator: rising quickly (characteristic of elevator)


Very fat man: something “heavy in the flesh” (Lev 8:16, Jdg 3:17, 1Sam 2:5, Job 15;22-27, Ps 74:3-4)


Skies: high spiritual things (Mt 11:23, Lk 10:15)


Helicopter: versatile, able to move different directions quickly (characteristic of helicopters)


Top of roof: revealed  (Mt 10:27)


Hospital: place of healing; possibly church (Ezk 34)


Group of medical personnel:  healing leaders; possibly church leaders and authority (Is 61:1, Jer 82)


Sitting around a table: in agreement with each other (Mt 8:11, 9:11)




Substituting the symbolism into the dream the interpretation might be:


Genevieve is rising quickly in things of the spirit, but she has something heavy in the flesh with her.  Her ministry is high in the spirit and versatile and able to move different directions quickly.  It is being revealed.  She is in a position to have revealed to her things that church leaders are in agreement about.  These same church leaders may not be too excited about Genevieve’s ministry.  She enters into a place of healing.





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