Tiger Wants to Devour Me

Tiger Wants to Devour Me


Hello Marsha,

Last night I dreamed the following:


A tiger came to devour me. He didn’t. Instead, he kept me afraid for a long time. He was like a tiger, but also a man. We spent time together in what seemed like a living room and I kept planning my escape. I managed to sneak away a fork and put it in my back pocket. I kept it there for when I saw that I would need it. I imagined I could use it as a weapon and poke out an eye or something the minute he attacked me. 

          I managed to escape for a while, but he pursued me.


Do you think this dream has meaning?



Dear T.O.F.

The symbols point a direction:


          Tiger = fierce attack, false authority, evil

          Devour me = destroy me

          Spent time together in living room = spent time in an area of your life

          Fork = junction, separating away from

          Back pocket = hidden and ready to use if necessary


After inserting the symbolic meanings in the dream, and paraphrasing, the interpretation could be as follows:
There has been a fierce attack on you, possibly by a false authority/or from someone with authority over you that has come at you.  This is someone you have spent time with, in an area of your life.  You are very aware of the problem and contemplate ways to escape it. You decide you can always separate away from the person if necessary, and are ready to do this, if need be.   Even though you are able to avert the attacks for a while, it just keeps coming.


Like your last dream titled “Boss said Too Cold” this dream also describes a season of you enduring betrayal by fierce attack from someone who is supposed to be an authority over you.  This also speaks of your desire to escape the situation.

Again, I believe the Lord is giving you these dreams as He is wanting to do some inner healing in you in this area of life.


Marsha Dunstan


Keys in My Pocket

Marsha, will you tell me what you think about this dream?  Reid
I am in the sanctuary, it is a full congregation. My wife has been called down front.  I am sitting on the far left hand side in the back.  She is down on the right in the front with a group of people. Our Pastor is talking to them.  All of a sudden someone comes running down the aisle holding over his head a set of keys. He says, “Does anybody know whose keys these are?  I found them in the parking lot.”  My wife looks at them and says, “They are my husband’s keys, those are Reid’s keys!”  And then there is a question.  “Reid, where are you?”  I stand up somewhat embarrassed and I wave my hand – I’m up here.

Then, the praise and worship music begins. It is loud and there is a very white light behind the worship team. There is a young lady standing next to me and she is about 15-16. She says something to me and is obviously excited about the praise and worship music and I ask her to repeat what she said.  I still can’t understand her and I ask her embarrassed, “Please, what did you say I didn’t get it.” Then there is an invitation right after I ask her what she said. Everyone stands up.  I stand up as well.  The young lady says, “Please excuse me I want to go down front.”  I step out and I feel compelled to go with her down to the front.  When I get down to the front I’m standing in the center behind some people.  They are all waving their raised hands to the worship music. There is a huge white light behind the worship team and I’m there just swaying to the music.  All of a sudden I get a sense that the keys are back in my pocket although I don’t remember them being brought to me.  I don’t remember them being delivered but they are back in my pocket.
Okay Reid, let’s look at some of the symbolic phrases here and their possible meanings:
“I am in the sanctuary, it is a full congregation” = I am in the presence of God’s church
“Someone comes running down the aisle holding over his head a set of keys” = through individuals in the church
My wife says, “They are my husband’s keys..” = through my wife’s assistance and recognition
“I stand up somewhat embarrassed” = in spite of my embarrassment and overcoming my embarrassment
“The praise and worship music begins” = with a backdrop of praise and worship
“there is  a very white light” = see the light; enlightened
“there is an invitation..” “I step out and feel compelled to go with her down to the front.”  = taking  cues from others and responding to an invitation
Keys =  knowledge (Mt 16:19); authority to open (Rev 1:18); open/close choices and doors (Mt 16:19, Rev 3:7-8, 20:1); tools to do something (Function of a key)
“I get a sense that the keys are back” = obtained knowledge and authority to lock or open doors and tools to go forth
“in my pocket” = in your possession to be pulled out and used when you desire
Reid.  Let’s put this together and see what we get:
Through God’s church and individuals in the church and through your wife’s assistance and recognition and in spite and overcoming my embarrassment at the attention, with a backdrop of praise and worship you see the “light” and taking your cues from others you respond to the invitation.  From this you obtain knowledge and authority to lock or open doors and you obtain tools to go forth.  These tools and authority are tucked away in your possession to be pulled out and used when you desire. 
To paraphrase:
During a time of praise and worship, through God’s church and His people you are enlightened.  You receive and are able to keep knowledge, tools, and authority to lock or open doors. 
Reid’s response:
This all makes perfect sense to me.  This dream stayed with me in detail and I knew it was important.  I have been going through a time of hearing from God at a spiritual retreat, Grace Adventure, where I have been given all kinds of tools and a deep understanding of God’s grace and love. My wife and others have been there for me.