
To apply biblical interpretation to dreams some basic beliefs need to be assumed. Some of these beliefs are: God and the Holy Spirit are real and still communicate with us. Jesus is God’s only Son and the redeemer of All people—any who choose to receive Him that is (John 3:16). The Bible is God’s Word to us and is Truth (Psalms 86:11, John 8:31-32), and God loves us and wants good for us.

As humans are tripartite, or made up of three parts, (see The Complete Guide to Dream Interpretation for more in-depth teaching) dreams may be received through any of these zones. These three parts are Body, Soul and Spirit.

Understanding and the correct interpretation of dreams comes to us from the Holy Spirit/the Lord (see Genesis 40:8; 1 Corinthians 2:9-14). Therefore, to apply correct symbols and receive understanding of dreams, it is important to ask the Lord for its interpretation.