German shepherd peeing on plant


Marsha, I had the following dream:


A German shepherd was peeing on a potted plant on my front porch. 




It was definitely my front porch. Direct colors etc. were: daytime, probably afternoon because it was light but no direct sun. Only thing different was the plant he peed on was on the left side of my porch instead of the right where I always keep it. He was actually peeing on the plant itself not just the outside of the planter.  I felt it was a male dog.  I didn’t look to make sure.  He had pretty standard shepherd markings and colors. 




Anyway, in the dream, I opened my front door and he was just standing there tongue hanging out of his mouth with his leg raised over my plant.  He wasn’t malevolent but not afraid of me either when I opened the door.  He just looked up at me with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth and kept peeing. 




 Then I woke up before he finished.   Why couldn’t the first dream I remember be of butterflies and rainbows? 


Thanks for your help,  R.A.



Dear R.A.,


I guess God gives us the dreams He wants us to have, not the “butterflies” we’d prefer.  Anyway, let’s look at this one. 
A German shepherd was peeing on a potted plant on my front porch. 




The symbols are as follows:




German:  foreign or not of God (Josh 24:23, Zeph 1:8) (note: this does NOT mean that     Germans are not of God.  However, for you…through the information you      provided, you are NOT German, therefore, this is “foreign” to you.  ANY culture      not yours is “foreign” to you.  And the biblical interpretation of “foreign” is “Not of God”.





  • protector, leader (2Sam 5:2, Is 40:00, Exe 34:1-10, Zec 10:2-3, John 10:12, 1 Kgs 22:17, 1Chro 11:2, Jer 3:14, 6:3, 50:6),
  • priest (Jer 3:15, 23:1-4, Eze 34:1-10);
  • one who takes care of the flock (Eze 34:1-19, John 10:12) 


Peeing = is releasing / sending out toxins (Lev 8:16)


Pot =



  • Holy (Zec 1, 14:21);
  • vessel of offering (Jdg 6:19, 1Sam 2:13-14, 2Chron 34:13);
  • man (Jer 22:28);
  • power in simple overlooked weapons (Judg 7:15);
  • used in service (Jer 52:18)


Plant =


  • growth/ own home (2Sam 7:10);
  • place (Jer 31:27);
  • people’s roots (Ps 44:2, Jer24:6);
  • begin (2Kgs 19:26, Is 40:24);
  • people (2Kgs 19:26)


Front porch =  revealed / open for viewing; public viewing



Substituting the metaphors, it says:



A (foreign-German) not of God  protector, leader, priest, one who takes care of the flock  (shepherd) is releasing toxins (peeing) onto your holy, vessel of offering, growth (plant) on your revealed, open for viewing, public viewing (porch).




To paraphrase:




A leader/ priest/ protector is infecting your spiritual growth with toxic things that are not of God.  This is being done publicly.





Ouch!  So why did the Lord give you this dream?  Possibly it is to show you that a person you are dealing with is not spiritually good for you.  God is looking out for you. He wants you to be aware of what is happening. 

Sheep Dogs


Marsha, I had a vision.


I saw, like in a french coffee shop, there were 2 or 3 green green small round chairs, like bistro chairs, along a wall. There were large windows made of large squares. I think the floor was large black and white squares like a checker board. From the side of the room came two large blackish dogs, but not black black. They were curly-haired and like sheep dog type. They were side by side, and I think on leashes, but I couldn’t see who was behind them holding the leash.


Thank you, J C


Hi JC.  You have great initials!   Let’s look at this vision/dream.  I’m calling it a dream even though it might have occurred while you were awake, because one definition of “dream” is that in a dream, the symbols are metaphoric, i.e.: stand for something else.  And the definition of a vision may be:  “it is what it is”.  For example, if this were a vision, then this would be about a French-style coffee shop with 2-3 green round chairs in it along a wall, with black and white floors…


However, if this were a dream (metaphoric), then we have meanings coming from these symbols.  Let’s assume it’s not a vision, but a dream/metaphoric.  Then the symbols might mean:


Like coffee/drink shop = place where becoming filled with (Heb 6:7)


Coffee= bitterness


Green = life giving growth prosperity (Gen 1:30, 9:3, Dt 12:2, Job 8:12, Ps 23:2)


Green = immature (Gen 30:37, Lev 2:14) / immature in Christ


Small chairs = small positions of authority (1Sam 4:13, Job 29:7, Dan 4:30, Mt 23:2)


Wall = fortified (Dt 3:5-6, Ps 78:13)


Large windows = large ability to “see” beyond / revelation (Gen 7:11, 8:2, 2Kgs 7:2, 7:19)


Squares = instrument to make even or straight with right (correct) angles


Floor = foundational issues


Black and white = diametrically opposed views


Hair = its covering


Blackish (not black black) = ignorance (Heb 12:17-19); neutral views (Lam 4:8)/ humanity or earthly day-to-day issues (Job 3:5, 30:28-30)


Dogs= helper to the shepherd (Jesus) / pastor (Mt 15:27)


Sheep dogs = those who “herd” the Sheep (people)




Putting the symbols into the dream it might be saying:




You have experienced, or are seeing, a place where people are receiving life-giving growth (and possibly some bitterness) from (immature in Christ) leaders of authority.  The foundational issues there are very black and white (diametrically opposing views), and full of instruments to make things correct/rules.  There are two helpers there who are helping to herd God’s people, but they are acting out of ignorance. However, there is also revelation there.




J.C.  This is probably about something you are “seeing” (either physically or through knowledge). I believe it is describing a rule-oriented ministry and some lovable, albeit ignorant elders/leaders/helpers in the ministry.    I believe you are given this for a reason.  Possibly to pray for those who are shepherding or herding God’s people in this situation.




I’m curious….does any of this ring true to you?



