Kitten on Her Lap


Dear Marsha,


This dream was by Tia.  Tia, Karin, and Dawna are three preteen and early teen girls who run around together.  Tia had this dream.
I have some thoughts on it, but what are your thoughts?
Mom of one of the girls
Tia, Karin, and Dawna, were getting ready to go swimming – putting on sunscreen.  They were going “night swimming”. It was dark outside. Karin started driving the truck.  She had a kitten on her lap that she was holding. Karin let go of the wheel and the kitten jumped down and pushed the pedal and made the truck go out of control.  And Karin couldn’t get control of the truck and it went off the road.  They went over a very rocky cliff. Tia told everyone to start praying. God’s angels came down from above and saved them one by one. Had wings and white dresses and golden beautiful halos. God spoke the word bravery to Tia in the dream. Then God carried them back to safety and “made me feel loved more than I could imagine”.

Dear Mom,

Let’s look at the symbols:

·         Go swimming – immerse themselves in deep things of the spirit (good or bad spirit – depending on night swimming or day clear swimming).


·         Sunscreen – filtering out the ‘Son’, ignoring God


·         Driving the truck – calling the shots or the leader, in control of the situation


·         Kitten = willfulness but on a small scale


·         Went off the road = off the pathway or getting into trouble


·         Very rocky cliff = trials and hard times


Now, to put this together, I would say this dream might mean:


Karin is leading the other two girls to explore some dark things.  She thinks she can keep a handle on it, but it starts to control their experiences, and Karin can’t stop it.  Tia reacts by praying and turning toward God.  God honors her request and helps them.  The experience brings Tia closer to God, allowing her to feel His immense love.


Now, as a mom I know you are concerned but please note that the willfulness was displayed as a kitten, not a full grown cat.  This indicates willfulness on a small scale.  So I would suggest you not be over concerned about this.  Considering their age (preteen and early teens) this is a time when all ealthy children start to exert their personality and “try” things.  As parents, we need to be diligent about loving them, and guiding them in a healthy way through their wrong choices.  This dream may be speaking of something the girls have already done, or something they are currently involved in, or will be doing.  Either way, I believe this is a call to pray for discernment and direction for the girls.  The dream already shows God will be there to bail them out.  Yay God!  Thank you God!
