Soaring across Countries

Hello Readers,
I need to apologize for being off-line for the past two months. I’ve dealt with a death in the family and personal illness, and illness of my spouse.  Tough season! But my prayer warriors got me through it.
God Bless you all,

Dated: March 11, 2016

Dear Marsha,


Hello. I recently asked the Holy Spirit to lead me to the prophet who had understanding as to where the Lord was taking me and explanation of what’s been happening in my life. I then found You. And all that I have been experiencing now makes sense and has been explained well. I see clearer in the spirit, but with the last few dreams, I’ve been a bit perplexed.




I began to soar through the sky, traveling from one country through another. I remember going through Asia and India, but can’t fully remember the other 3, but I knew I had traveled through 5. I soared through mountains covered with snow; through wilderness; over great waters; and over cities, before touching down in the US. Once my feet touched land, I ask persons I saw below, where was I? Because I had traveled so far, I didn’t know what country I was in. In this particular place, was a rental complex, which I ask what was it name and was told. I saw a staff member coming down stairs, and a young man then exit out the front door where then I was told the name of the resident.


(This was confirmation I didn’t know at the time I awoke, was the very place my younger brother stated, he would be residing at, after searching for an apartment…confirmation).


I then saw myself in a room. When I first entered the room, it looked as if I hadn’t been there in a while. Things seemed old and dusty and some things in plastic bags. I then began to go through things as if I wouldn’t be there.


 Can you give me understanding as to what the first and later part of the dream depicts for me?


Signed, DTG




Dear DTG,

Since the Focus of a dream and the Sub Focus of a dream gives a quick summary of the dream, I’d like to start this interpretation by looking at the Focus and the Sub Focus first. 

Remember, the Focus is “’Who’ or ‘What’ is the dream about?”…in other words, who or what is the star of the dream?  In this case, it is about YOU, the dreamer. 


The Sub Focus is supposed to answer this question, “If this Sub Focus wasn’t there, would the dream exist?”  There may be more than one Sub Focus.   In this case I believe the Sub Focuses are: Soar, Traveling and also Rental Complex.


So, let’s look at the symbols for just the Focus and Sub Focus right now. 


You are of course not symbolic and actually represent you. 

Soar = symbolic for high spiritual activity. (Air is often things that are spiritual – going through the air might indicate spiritual activity)
Traveling = symbolic for taking this to new places.  
Rental = temporary place you are “working/way of living/ministry” – a place you are temporarily
Complex = a complicated and convoluted area / a lot of things going on.

 Now, to put this together, this says: you will be experiencing high spiritual activity and it will be taking you to new places. One of these places is a temporary situation where a lot of things are going on and is a little convoluted.


Okay. Let’s look at the rest of the symbols in the dream.  They are details explain and describing. 


5 countries = I believe in this case it literally means five different countries.

Across mountains with snow, wilderness, over great waters, cities = indicates the vast travel between these countries
USA = believe this literally means the USA
Ask persons “Where was I?” = Seeking answers of where you are in your life
Staff = others working in the same area you are working/in ministry/way of living
Downstairs = downward transition
Young man going through exit = leaving that area of work/ministry/way of living
Me in room = your particular place in this work/ministry/way of living
Seemed old = seems to be old ways – (not good in this case)
Dusty = covered in things of the earth and needs cleansing
Plastic bags = packaged up in man-made ways
Go through things = inspecting and looking at things

Putting these details into the interpretation, I would say this is a Calling Dream telling you what you are called to do and also a Self-Condition Dream telling you some of the things you are / or will be facing.  The dream means:


You are called to high spiritual activity. This will take you to five countries from mountainous regions to wilderness, to cities and subsequently over the oceans to the USA.  In the USA you will for a temporary time be in a situation where you will be either “working/a way of living/ or a ministry” where a lot of things are going on. It is convoluted. While there, you witness other(s) that work there in a downward transition.  You also witness other(s) leave.  You, personally are in a situation where you are dealing with old ways (that are not especially good) and things that are covered in man-made and earthly issues.   You are trying to sort this out.


Whew!   Good dream.  The Lord is obviously with you.  He is taking you many places.  Awesome.  Don’t be discouraged by the experience you have. This dream is telling you what that’s about.  It’s not YOU. It’s the situation you are in and the dream says it is affecting others also.  I believe that part of the dream is given to you to center you during a difficult time here in the USA. Help you understand.  I believe the confirmation of the name in the dream is to confirm to you a “truth” of this dream.  It is not really a part of the dream…but is saying to you – this is real.  Pay Attention.  I wouldn’t give it more credence than that. However, it’s always a possibility the Lord is giving you a specific address for this to happen.  But, often these things are symbolic rather than specific.

A personal note to you about some other comments in your email.
I am glad to see how the Lord is using you.  He is so much fun to follow.  And it’s difficult also.  It’s good to read you’ve been given some answers lately and are seeing more clearly. 

I want to encourage you my brother to never give up on what the Lord is doing.  He takes us through controversy to help us with our faith, to teach us, and for many more reasons.  Claim all rewards by asking him for them.  Asking comes before receiving in God’s world. 


We all have questions on how to get the unseen to the seen.  The answer really is that it is HIS responsibility to do that. We know in part, and we see in part. Until He reveals to us what He wants us to see.  That makes our walk a “Faith Walk”.  Keep praying about the promises he’s made to you.  Speak the promises back to Him, saying: “Father, You said….”  Ask and it shall be given.  We are all locked arm-in-arm in the Army of God. I have prayed for truth, discernment, and protection on you.
God’s blessings and protection on you as you go forth in His work.



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